From the Mayor’s Desk - 24 October
From the Mayor’s Desk - 24 October

From the Mayor’s Desk - 24 October

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Council’s motion on youth crime successful at Queensland local government conference

I’m pleased to inform residents that Council was successful with a motion it put forward at the recent Local Government Association of Queensland’s (LGAQ) Annual Conference. Our motion calls for an expert review of the Youth Justice Act 1992 and Youth Justice Framework to address concerns around recidivist juvenile behaviour, in particular:

  • Lack of support and compensation for victims of juvenile crime
  • Limitation in police powers
  • The levels of supervision for offenders under restraint or community release
  • Consistency in interpretation of the legislation by Magistrates dealing with juvenile offenders

The LGAQ Annual Conference is an important part of the process that allows local governments to work together to find solutions to shared challenges facing Queensland councils. It’s an important vehicle for advocacy up to state and federal government levels on issues that impact our community.

Federal government review of Inland Rail

The Australian Government has announced a review of Australia’s largest rail construction program, the $14.5 billion Inland Rail project. Council’s view is that here in the Goondiwindi Region, we have been able to work constructively through most issues with Inland Rail. We understand that some of the logistics, including the route path, are still in negotiation and are a concern to some of our residents, but Council’s opinion is that our region now needs certainty to move forward. This is a project that has already been going on behind schedule for too long. While we respect the fact that the government is at liberty to review the project, we need this project to be delivered for the benefit of our community and region – and this is the position that Council will officially put forward.

Lanescape Festival success

I want to give a huge shout-out to the Lanescape Festival committee for a wonderful evening earlier this fortnight. There was a fantastic energy at the event, with great entertainers including some talented local acts. Bowen Lane was packed with people, and it just goes to show the importance of arts and cultural events in our region. It was a great opportunity for families and friends to gather and enjoy the creations of local and professional artists – well done for another feather in the cap for the Lanescape committee.

Inglewood Community Meeting

I want to thank all residents who joined my fellow councillors, council staff and me at the Inglewood community meeting earlier this fortnight. It was an opportunity to discuss several key issues as a community, including updates about improvements to local flood preparation following community feedback from the November/December 2021 flood event, as well as updates on the Casa Mia aged care situation. There was also strong community support to explore alternative locations for the current Inglewood free camping site – Council will now investigate this and report back to the community.

Goondiwindi Region rainfall

My thoughts are currently with our local primary producers, many of whom will now be nervously watching the skies for some fine weather, for a chance to get off what ought to have been a very good winter crop or progress with delayed cotton and other summer crop plantings.

Our council and community have a high level of preparedness for whatever the weather may throw at us, but our farmers and agricultural sector will doubtlessly have felt the greatest impact of this recent rain. Some of our more rural residents may also be facing another period of isolation due to road closures. I urge residents to remain cautious, especially when travelling and of course – if it’s flooded, forget it.

24th October 2022 at 12:00 AM