From the Mayor's Desk

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Goondiwindi Crime Meeting


Last Wednesday Member for Southern Downs Mr James Lister hosted a very important forum to inform the Queensland government on local concerns about crime in our region.

More than 200 residents from Goondiwindi and across the border attended to talk about their concerns, potential solutions and their personal accounts of juvenile crime. Council empathises with our residents who shared their ordeals and heartache, and stand with them in addressing the problem.

The forum heard that it is only a small number of serious repeat offenders responsible for the majority of offences.

Two main issues from the forum were highlighted. The first being able to ensure the safety of current residents by addressing these behaviours with greater consequences for actions, and the second being, how can the system do better to assist and prevent young people engaging in this kind of behaviour in the first place, along with effective and earlier family intervention.

A range of suggestions were put forward from the public and captured by Mr Lister who will attend Parliament this week and relate how crime is affecting residents on both sides of the border and the community’s suggestions for change.

I’d like to thank Mr Lister for organising this forum and providing support to share concerns with the Queensland State government and to Senior Sergeant Richard McIntosh for his insights.

Also, Senior Sergeant McIntosh made the offer for local police to visit those who would like to know more about home security and safety. Contact the Goondiwindi Police Station during business hours to request a home visit.


An Informative talk with the Minister for Police


The Minister for Police and Corrective Services, the Honourable Mark Ryan was unable to attend the public forum in Goondiwindi however; he did visit the region to speak with me in the past fortnight to discuss associated issues.

I informed the Minister of local law enforcement and public safety matters and discussed overlaps and gaps in responsibilities and jurisdiction issues faced by police and other agencies.

I also conveyed the importance of better Cross-Border coordination and the need to address jurisdictional limitations.

I expressed our communities appreciation for the establishment of a 24/7 police station.


Goondiwindi Visitors Information Centre opening


Last week I attended the opening of the refurbished Visitors Information Centre in the Goondiwindi Civic Centre. It was great to celebrate these improvements with volunteers and the contractors. The aim was to create a defined space where the promotion of tourism can boost the local economy by attracting more visitors to the region.

The contemporary attraction for both locals and visitors to access information and learn about everything that the Goondiwindi Region has to offer is like a breath of fresh air.

Well done to everyone!


Thank you to the Inglewood Show Committee


I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for all the hard work and dedication the Inglewood Show Committee have put into organising this year’s event. I am confident that your efforts will again make the Show a huge success and a memorable experience for everyone who attends this weekend.

The Show celebrates the unique qualities of our region and provides our community with a sense of pride. I look forward to attending the event, catching up with locals and seeing what new and exciting things you have in store.


Texas Council Meeting


The third upcoming Council meeting at the Texas Memorial Hall is on Wednesday 22 March. The meeting begins at 9 am and is a chance for Texas residents and the wider region to connect with Council and have their voices heard.

Residents can register by calling 4671 7400 or by dropping into the Texas office.

A morning tea will be provided around 10.30 am.

This continues Council’s commitment to regularly host Council meetings in Texas and Inglewood.

14th March 2023 at 12:00 AM