Cool burning fire management underway
Cool burning fire management underway

Cool burning fire management underway

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  • Council, QMDCL Rangers and RFS will perform cool burns during May - July
  • Concentration on the Reserves north of Yelarbon and Goondiwindi including Bungunya
  • Council is committed to working closely with key organisations to mitigate fire risks

Goondiwindi Regional Council in partnership with Queensland Murray-Darling Catchment Ltd (QMDCL) rangers and the Rural Fire Service (RFS) is committed to prioritising the reduction of bushfire risk by executing strategies aimed at minimising the threat to individuals, properties, and the environment.

Council along with the QMDCL and RFS will be actively reducing fire-fuel loads from May to July, north of Yelarbon and Goondiwindi and at Bungunya.

One effective strategy being used is a cool burning technique often used during winter to manage vegetation and reduce the risk of bushfires in warmer seasons.

A cool burn is a low-intensity fire that burns slower while fuel-load vegetation is still slightly damp. This land management technique helps to ensure that seedlings, tree trunks and the tree canopy are not burnt. 

Councillor Susie Kelly who holds the portfolio for Rural Services and Community Facilities said these burns are a fire and land management tool that require careful planning and execution to ensure it is done safely and effectively.

“In the past month the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service have been back-burning in the eastern area around Inglewood where fast-moving grass fires could occur.”

“We will be concentrating on the Rainmore, Lalaguli and Minima Swamp Reserves after they received a very good wet season, increasing fuel loads.” she continued, “If not managed appropriately, this increased vegetation could pose a significant risk during the summer fire season.”

Numerous reserves on secondary or minor routes have also been overwhelmed by invasive species, rendering them unsuitable for stock and requiring a cool burn to restore their productivity.

Council is committed to working closely with key organisations to manage the regions fire risks and natural resources.

15th May 2023 at 12:00 AM