From the Mayor’s Desk
From the Mayor’s Desk

From the Mayor’s Desk

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RV Camp Relocation Challenge

I would like to follow up on my previous mentions about the need to eventually relocate the existing free Inglewood RV camp at the Inglewood bridge due to non-compliance with State government lease arrangements and concerns about flood safety. It’s important to note that no decisions have been made yet as to the future location. The idea that the Council owned olive grove walkway adjacent the Inglewood Bowls Club was a good site for potential relocation originated several years ago. Following the 2021 flooding of Inglewood township, it become increasingly evident that the existing site was not suitable, even if it was compliant with state government land use requirements. The need to move the site has been raised in my From The Mayor’s Desk columns and also discussed at a public meeting in Inglewood attended by about 60 local residents in late 2022.  One of the challenges of finding a new site is identifying land that is Council owned freehold land close to town with the purpose of attracting tourists and stimulating local economic growth, where visitors can spend money at businesses in the area. The success of the Council owned Dumaresq River RV friendly area at Texas attests to the positive impact of these facilities for visitors and businesses alike.

To that avail, Council recently met with a local Inglewood not for profit committee regarding the possibility of an alternative on-site RV camp on their land. If this alternative proposal does not progress, then Council will come back to the community with a detailed proposal for public consultation. The olive grove near the Bowls Club is just over two hectares and any area likely to be impacted would be around .2 of a hectare, about 10% of the area, or half an acre in the old language. About the size of two large town house blocks. As Council has and always will do, we will keep the community informed, when and if this progresses.

Lady Sings The Maroons Opera

The recent performance of "Lady Sings The Maroons" at the Civic Centre was a musical success for everyone involved. The event managed to raise $5434 for the Dolly Parton Library, an initiative that the Councillors wholeheartedly embraced to assist in fostering a culture of reading among local families. As hosts, all Councillors attended the evening and actively contributed to its success, including the setup and pack-down, serving behind the bar, and providing food service. I want to thank my colleagues for their dedication to this initiative, to Opera Queensland for bringing the performance to our community, and to the attendees for making it such a great night.

Lions Changeover Dinner

On Saturday night, I had the honour of attending the Goondiwindi Lions Changeover Dinner alongside Council CEO Carl Manton and Member for the Southern Downs MP James Lister. This occasion marked the transition of leadership within the Goondiwindi Lions Club as a new president, Wayne Hamilton, took over the role, while bidding farewell to Pieter Kruger. It was an opportunity to express gratitude for Pieter's dedicated service and extend a warm welcome to Wayne in his new role. Throughout Inglewood, Texas, and Goondiwindi, the Lions' Club consistently demonstrates its commitment to supporting the community, raising funds, and lending a helping hand.

A Productive Visit to Coolmunda Dam

During a recent visit to Coolmunda Dam, Cr Kearney and I inspected the multimillion-dollar Dam gate upgrade which will see more than 20 people being accommodated and working on the refurbishment and spending up to a million dollars locally. We also discussed with the Dam operator, Sunwater, the provision and relocation of flood gauges. The CEO of Sunwater also attended the inspections.

Wellways Carer Information Session

On Tuesday morning, I had the opportunity to attend the Wellways Carer information session organised by the Texas Lions Club, and I must say it was a valuable experience.  The session was led by Kim Cadman from Wellways, who presented us with information about the various services and support available including support groups, community resources and networks specifically tailored to carers. The role of carers in our community is vitally important, and they need support too, therefore it is encouraging to see organisations like Wellways and individuals coming together to offer these services. Former Inglewood Shire Mayor and Goondiwindi Regional Council Councillor Joan White also attended the session and as some of you may know she has a passion for keeping our aging population in their communities with the support of their families.

Queensland Reconstruction Authority Major General Jake Ellwood Meeting

Over a year ago, I had the opportunity to meet with Major General Jake Ellwood during his visit to Goondiwindi, where he evaluated the impact of the recent flood events and assessed the progress made in the region's recovery. This week, Major General Ellwood was in town again, now in his new role as CEO of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority to discuss the region’s preparedness for future events, and our recovery efforts from the most recent flooding events.  During discussions Major General Ellwood again highlighted the Goondiwindi levee as a prime example of “how a levee should work”.  This meeting provided Council with an opportunity to raise important issues such as road reconstruction following floods and accurate quality early warning systems across the entire region.

16th June 2023 at 12:00 AM