Council has taken flight alongside the Australian Large Scale Model Club
Council has taken flight alongside the Australian Large Scale Model Club

Council has taken flight alongside the Australian Large Scale Model Club

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  • Collaboration between Council and the ALSM benefits Inglewood community
  • Infrastructure to enhance the Inglewood aerodrome
  • Festival of Aeromodelling was held from June 26 – July 3, 2023

Goondiwindi Regional Council spread its wings and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Australian Large Scale Model Club (ALSM) at the March Ordinary meeting held in Texas earlier this year.

The MOUs strategic direction is to create improvements to the Inglewood Aerodrome facility, ensuring future use of the site for aeromodelling events. As part of its Master plan, ALSM intends to invest in additional and enhanced facilities in the future.

ALSM has been utilising the airport for fly-in events for the last 12 months, which has benefited the Inglewood community economically.

These aeromodelling events attract hundreds of visitors from outside the region and across the border, who pay for local accommodation, food, and other services.

Mayor of the Goondiwindi Region, the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM, expressed enthusiasm on the weekend after attending the aerodrome, saying the club puts on a great show at their events.

"In preparation for the next few years of ALSM events at the Inglewood aerodrome, the club has already begun constructing a shared undercover structure located west of the apron and a Clubhouse positioned to the east of the carpark at their own cost," Cr Springborg said.

"All stakeholders who operate out of the facility will benefit from the infrastructure, however these enterprises are always a secondary priority to emergency operations."

The Festival of Aeromodelling is not a public event. However, it is a national one for these keen aviators, which significantly boosts the Inglewood community's economy.

ALSM plans to host 5-6 events annually at the Inglewood Aerodrome, including the Festival of Aeromodelling, which ran over seven days from June 26 to July 3.

This major event on their calendar attracts more than 150 pilots and their families to the region, and the smaller events host about 40-50 pilots.

Council actively encourages community groups currently utilising Council assets to develop masterplans to aid in strategic planning and securing external grant funding.

Masterplans can help provide groups with the necessary resources and support to plan and manage their project's vision, objectives effectively, and desired outcomes while ensuring they are aligned with Council's overall goals and objectives.

4th July 2023 at 12:00 AM