From the Mayor's Desk
From the Mayor's Desk

From the Mayor's Desk

« Back – Border Rivers Education and Training

The Border Rivers Education and Training ( program aims to build the capacity of the community by strengthening our regional residents with quality education and training opportunities across the Border Rivers region by promoting career pathways for all ages. As part of the community Gateway to Training's program partners with our regional schools and with local business and industry members to expand opportunities for students in training, work experience and employment.

I had the opportunity to attend the recent meeting where I expressed a strong desire to overcome the cross-border challenges that impede the effective delivery of education and training opportunities for local residents and businesses. This is something that I also raised with the Minister for Employment and Small Business, Minister for Training and Skills Development and Minister for Youth Justice, the Hon Di Farmer MP, when I met with her in Goondiwindi a couple of weeks ago.

I look forward to collaborating with other leaders and industry professionals about better strategies to enhance education and learning opportunities across our communities from Queensland to New South Wales.

Texas Show

A couple of weekends ago, I had the pleasure of extending a warm welcome to both residents and those who travelled from further afield to the 63rd annual Texas Agricultural Show. I have been attending the Show for over three decades, yet this year's turnout of local patronage and participation from visitors was unmatched. It certainly is a credit to the Texas Show Society and the many volunteers who have spent weeks organising and planning to make the Show weekend a fantastic celebration of community once again. There were many arena highlights on Saturday morning that demonstrated exceptional performances, the horsemanship, dressage, and performances by the local school students, who put in a big effort to prepare their routines. There were also outstanding exhibits, displays, trade demonstrations and other forms of entertainment.

Texas Monthly Mayoral Visit

I was pleased to be able to catch up with a number of locals at the Texas Memorial Hall last Tuesday for the monthly visit. It's always good to discuss issues and ideas and work through matters, mostly with a successful resolution.

I encourage locals to keep an eye out for the regular visit times for Inglewood and Texas.

Appointments are available in alignment with the Mayor's visits to these towns, and residents are encouraged to call 07 4671 7437 to make an appointment. Appointments are also available in Goondiwindi and Talwood.

Yelarbon Men's Breakfast

My fellow councillors and I attended the Yelarbon Men's Breakfast at the town's lagoon last week. This event is supported by Council's community grant program and organised by the local Yelarbon Men's Shed. Around twelve men met for the barbeque breakfast. The event takes place every second Tuesday of the month and serves as a platform for men to engage in mental health discussions or just come along and chat. The Yelarbon Men's Shed Breakfast has been running for five years and has positively impacted the community, especially these men who have strengthened bonds not just between themselves but also community bonds by sharing their life stories and experiences.

Blue Edge Program

I travelled to Inglewood early last Thursday morning to attend the Blue Edge Program (Educate, Develop, Grow, Empower) at the Macintyre Sports Complex. The program is run by the Queensland Police with the support of local school staff, healthcare and community members and is designed to develop a student's mind and physical capability. The program covers career education, inspirational talks, and mentorship, all aimed at helping the youths realise their full potential.

After a brisk walk, I spoke with 21 Inglewood State School and St Maria Goretti School students from years 6-10, sharing insights about our local community and the journey that led me to where I am today. The morning session also included breakfast and an opportunity to talk more individually with the students.

Blue Edge is a great program that runs for eight-week and works as a platform to equip students with skills that will help them gain confidence, build personal capacity, work in a team environment, and foster positive relationships within the community. I would like to extend my congratulations to the Inglewood Police.

Shed Down the Murray Fundraiser

CEO Carl Manton, Councillor Phil O'Shea and I attended the Shed Down the Murray fundraiser at the Goondiwindi Water Park on the first stop of the Pittsworth Men's Shed journey to raise money for prostate cancer.

Our own Goondiwindi Men's Shed and Rotary Goondiwindi put on a barbeque lunch and donated $700 to the charities ‘It's A Bloke Thing' and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia. It was an informative morning which included a talk about the importance of prostate health and seeking help if you notice anything wrong. Good luck to the men and women involved in the journey; it is a worthwhile cause.

10th August 2023 at 12:00 AM