Have your Say on the Future of Goondiwindi Region Libraries
Have your Say on the Future of Goondiwindi Region Libraries

Have your Say on the Future of Goondiwindi Region Libraries

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  • Residents can now participate in an interactive online survey to help shape the future of our libraries in Goondiwindi, Texas, and Inglewood
  • A survey will arrive in mailboxes next week if you cannot access the online survey
  • Goondiwindi Regional Council values your feedback in developing a comprehensive four-year strategy for the future of our libraries

Goondiwindi Region residents are invited to participate in a survey that will play a fundamental role in shaping our libraries in Goondiwindi, Inglewood, and Texas.

Libraries play an important role in our communities by providing services that improve individuals' language, reading abilities, learning and social skills. However, the function of libraries is evolving, particularly with increased online services; therefore, your valuable feedback on where to invest resources and distribute them will help develop a comprehensive four-year strategy designed to align with the needs of the Region's communities.

Mayor of the Goondiwindi Region, the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM, said this opportunity for community engagement aims to capture insights into current library usage patterns and to hear our Region’s vision for the future of all three libraries.

"We are in the process of shaping a strategy that reflects the objectives of not only our library members but the broader community that the libraries serve in," Springborg said.

"Council values the insights of our residents, so before we can progress to the following stages of the Library Strategy development, we would like to incorporate the feedback received through community consultation.

"Councillors have actively contributed to the process, ensuring that it reflects community needs and generates positive local outcomes," Cr Springborg confirmed.

The Library Strategy survey will arrive in mailboxes next week. However, for those seeking to give more detailed feedback, an online survey can be accessed via the Goondiwindi Regional Council website or at your local library, where staff will be available to assist you.

Councillor Susie Kelly, who holds the portfolio for Rural Services and Community Facilities, said gone are the days of libraries merely providing books.

“In today’s world, libraries are also digital hubs and places where people find community connection. We need to ensure our libraries are fulfilling the needs of our community’s residents and so we are very keen to hear from everyone in the community whether they frequent their local library or not.”

“The survey serves as a reference for the Library Strategy to determine what community members as a whole want from our libraries,” Cr Kelly said.

To complete the survey, visit this link – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5CFM63Q

The survey closes Friday, 15 September 2023.

21st August 2023 at 12:00 AM