Another Success for Goondiwindi

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10 March 2017

Another Success Story in the Goondiwindi Region

Goondiwindi Regional Council has just been informed that there is another winner in the region, with Lucy Walker Chemmart Goondiwindi taking out the Guild Pharmacy of the Year 2017.  The pharmacy earlier won the category for Excellence in Community Engagement and was then chosen as the ultimate winner.

Pharmacist Nick Panayiaris, Pharmacy Guild of Australia National Councillor, South Australian Branch President and spokesperson for the judging group said “the Lucy Walker Chemmart Pharmacy was an exceptional example of a pharmacy transforming to a model of care that supports its local community”.

Another recent success story in the region was that of Mackenzies Home Timber and Hardware.  In February, they announced that they are the Home Timber and Hardware Queensland Store of the Year 2016.

Goondiwindi Regional Council Mayor, Cr Graeme Scheu said, “It is great to see so many of the regions businesses being recognised in both national and state events.”

“These businesses set a great example for other operators in the area.  They show that this is what you can achieve with inspiration and hard work”, he said.

Council congratulates these businesses on their achievements and their contribution to the local communities.

For further information contact:

Councillor Graeme Scheu
Goondiwindi Regional Council

Mobile: 0427 718 877

14th March 2017 at 12:00 AM