Easter on The Macintyre Planning Begins

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17 February 2017


A meeting of the organising committee for this year’s Easter on the Macintyre gathered last night at the Queensland Hotel to coordinate the services and events for the Easter long weekend that falls later in April this year. The event will be held from Thursday April 13 through to Monday April 17.

The theme for this year will be “Only One Year Until the Commonwealth Games” which will open four days after the 2018 Easter on the Macintyre event. The 2018 event promises to be the biggest ever with Goondiwindi scoring the “National Water Ski Titles at the Goondiwindi Natural Heritage and Water Park over the Easter Weekend and will be a special lead in event for drive visitors from the south heading to the Gold Coast for the Commonwealth Games.

But this year will be a year not to miss as well. The weekend gets underway on Thursday with all of the usual events such as Barefoot Bowls at the Bowls Club and monster Easter Raffles at various venues. A new addition to the calendar will be Goondiwindi Cotton’s Winter Range Launch and Fashion Parade at the Coulton Family’s Goondiwindi Cotton Store in Herbert Street. The launch will be a part of a major fundraiser with all proceeds going to the Tie up the Black Dog Group.

Good Friday is usually a quiet day for participants to enjoy seafood and a day of rest but the Goondiwindi Golf Club will stage a Single Stableford for those wanting to enjoy the picturesque Goondiwindi Golf Club.

Saturday is the feature day of the weekend with both the Customs House and Gunsynd Museum open for visitors while the Goondiwindi Quilting Ladies will exhibit their quilting and sewing skills and providing a Devonshire Tea at the Golden Age Centre. The Golf Club will stage another Stableford Competition and the afternoon entertainment gets underway with Markets from 4pm.

Tait Toyota will once again join the show by sponsoring the Tait Toyota Light and Sounds Spectacular. Some of Goondiwindi s best junior talent will be on display from 4.30pm and will be headed up by Tamworth Junior Finalists Mackenzie Timms and Erin Ellis.

Special guests at the evening event will be “Psychs on Bikes’ who will man a stand along with members of Rural Sky in an endeavour to draw attention to mental health issues.   

The Kleinschmidt Trust will once again provide the fireworks display from the bridge with the theme “Only One Year until the Commonwealth Games”.  The Service Clubs will provide all of the regular food and drink outlets while the ever-popular Bozo Bus will supply rides for the kids.  Jumping castles and face painting will complete the entertainment for families.


The evening will wind up with entertainment courtesy of Goondiwindi’s own “The Local Lot”.    

No event on the Macintyre River would be complete without the family Fishing Competition on Sunday that will be launched from the boat ramp with presentations and a karaoke night at the Queensland Hotel to wind up the weekend.  While at the boat ramp, visitors can attend a special “Cooking Demonstration” as day two of the Quilting and Sewing exhibition continues at the Golden Age Centre or if you prefer, there will be a two man Ambrose at the Golf Club.

The Goondiwindi Cinema will operate over the Easter break with many movies to satisfy everybody’s taste.

This will be a great weekend with something for everyone.

Contact: Graeme Scheu

Easter on the Macintyre Committee

8th March 2017 at 12:00 AM