street banners in the Goondiwindi region showing branding in front of the Goondiwindi Regional Civic Centre

How to help support your region during drought

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21 February 2019

How you can help to support our region during drought

Goondiwindi Regional Council has released a suite of free resources for local businesses and individuals to help promote the region’s products and services in both the domestic market and abroad.

The ‘branding kit’ is created in line with the Branding Strategy for the Goondiwindi region unveiled in April last year: ‘Regional Australia at its best’.

mock up of a menu to as an example of the use of the regional australia at its best logo
Sample use of the Regional Australia at its best logo

The Strategy was developed in consultation with members of the community from across the region. It also took the 2018 article by The Australian newspaper into consideration, which named Goondiwindi as the best regional town in Queensland.

‘The Branding Strategy aims to position the region as a destination in the visitor economy and to offer a clear, strong marketing brand for products and services in the region,’ Mayor Graeme Scheu said today.

‘The agriculture industry is the backbone of our region and the Strategy looks to support this while also building on our tourism market to help diversify our economy,’ Cr Scheu said.

‘We’re so proud of the reputation our region has built up and now we have the opportunity to market this both nationally and internationally, which can offer us some leverage and resilience in future times of drought.’

The resources made available today include variations of the ‘Regional Australia at its best’ logo, the recent suite of regional tourism videos and a promotional blurb about the region for use on marketing material. The kit also includes examples of how the resources can be used in promotional material.

Cr Scheu said he encouraged local businesses to use the branding resources to promote our region and its industries to customers, visitors and potential investors wherever possible.

 ‘As a community, we can support local businesses and spread the word, show a united front and continue to take pride in this wonderful region. We’re very lucky locally to have such an active and passionate community who I know will be a great asset in engaging with the future of the region - the Australia awards ceremonies in Goondiwindi and Texas at the weekend highlighted just that.’

Council developed the Branding Strategy in 2018 and consulted with local businesses and residents during its development. Feedback showed that community members were proud of our region’s resilience and ability to stick together, even during tough times.

The suite of tourism videos included in the brand resources were released on social media during the Christmas holidays and have already been viewed more than 58,000 times. They feature shots of some of the great events and tourism destinations across the region and celebrate the agricultural excellence, country culture and rich history we are so proud of.

New banners are also being rolled out in the Goondiwindi, Inglewood and Texas CBDs. The town banners feature a vibrant series of images from across the region along with the Regional Australia at its best branding. ‘Best regional town in Queensland’ is emblazoned on banners in the Goondiwindi CBD.

Download the free resource kit at

For further information, please contact:

Councillor Graeme Scheu
Goondiwindi Regional Council

Mobile: 0427 718 877

21st February 2019 at 12:00 AM