Goondiwindi Welcomes New Murray Darling Basin Authority Office

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8 August 2018

Goondiwindi Welcomes New Murray Darling Basin Authority Office

The announcement today that the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has selected Goondiwindi to set up their new office location is welcomed by Goondiwindi Regional Council.  Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, The Hon. David Littleproud MP said, “The new office would start out with up to five new jobs”.  “It’s great to see this work go to rural Queensland and not a big city, it just makes sense to put MDBA staff in Basin towns”, Minister Littleproud said.

Mayor Graeme Scheu congratulated the Murray Darling Basin Authority on the decision to establish an office in Goondiwindi, stating that “having a daily connection and relationship with the regional areas that the MDBA impacts can only be a positive outcome for the region’s agriculture sector.”

It is also a major shift to see the decentralisation of government jobs back into regional Queensland.  The Mayor was not surprised that Goondiwindi had been identified as the preferred location following the recent award of Regional Australia at its Best.

Decentralisation is delivering government jobs to rural Queensland as the Murray Darling Basin Authority sets up an office in Goondiwindi.

The Goondiwindi office will be well placed to deliver the Northern Basin Review and to make sure we get it right.

Mayor Graeme Scheu said, “as a community, we all benefit from this decision with dollars kept in our local economy, as well as the improved ability to engage with important policy decisions.”


For further information, please contact:

Councillor Graeme Scheu
Goondiwindi Regional Council
Mobile: 0427 718 877

Neil Andrew

Neil Andrew, Chair of MDBA announces the Office position for an initial three to five staff in Goondiwindi.  Neil with Goondiwindi Regional Council Mayor Graeme Scheu and Goondiwindi Regional Council CEO Carl Manton.

9th August 2018 at 12:00 AM