$1.14M federal funding boost for Goondiwindi region infrastructure

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Goondiwindi Regional Council has secured $1.14 million from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grant (LRCI) for local road improvements and social infrastructure projects across the Goondiwindi region.

The funding will go towards 18 diverse projects and will include improvements to community facilities, accessibility upgrades, and new cycling and walking paths.

The projects range from $8,000 to $175,000 and will support a broad range of local jobs across the whole region.

Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM said the priority of the approved projects is the maintenance and renewal of existing public infrastructure, along with the construction of new community assets.

“This is a really great opportunity for investment in a wide range of community infrastructure projects – from park upgrades to the construction of new cycling paths and footpaths,” the Mayor said.

“This particular funding will also go towards some smaller-scale projects - such as improvements to rural halls and historical buildings - that I know will make a big difference to their communities, from Weengallon to Cement Mills.”

Council will announce individual details of the LRCI-funded projects in the coming months.

Cr Springborg said the approved projects would deliver lasting social benefits and aid the Goondiwindi region’s economic recovery from COVID-19.

“The facility and infrastructure upgrades supported by this grant will not only benefit our communities in the long-term, but they’ll also provide economic stimulus in the short-term and help support local jobs, services and suppliers in the region,” Cr Springborg said.

“Service is Council’s core business, so improving the accessibility of services and public facilities for our rural residents will also be a big focus of this funding. More than $200,000 is allocated to projects that will extend the reach of services to our more remote communities.”

Cr Springborg said Council’s success in securing external funding would increase the scope of its Budget for additional projects across the region.

“By successfully funding these projects externally, we can maximise the ratepayer dollar for other projects while keeping costs minimal,” he said.

The funding will complement Council’s scheduled 2020-21 work program, as well as the Goondiwindi region’s $1.35 million funding allocation from the State Government’s 2020-21 COVID Works For Queensland (W4Q) program towards improved water infrastructure, park upgrades and new footpaths.

27th August 2020 at 12:00 AM