Change to Waste Charges in Council Budget

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29 May 2018


Goondiwindi Regional Council ratepayers will see a different format on their rates notice this year when it comes to utility charges. This is due to the introduction of the new recycling service and the addition of a charge for commercial users of the landfill.

The early payment discount will also be removed from waste charges, as was done with water charges (levied separately) in 2016.

The new charge will be $295 and will include the kerbside recycling service.

The new yellow lid recycling bins will soon roll out to premises that currently pay a general waste collection service fee. They can be used from 2 July 2018 when the fortnightly kerbside collections will commence.

The new recycling service is possible due, in part, to the introduction of an additional $50 per annum waste management levy on every rate assessment across the region. This fee will be applicable to all residents - urban and rural - as landfill operation, extra transfer stations and dealing with roadside rubbish and illegal dumping in rural areas all generate significant costs.

There will be no onsite charges for domestic users of the Goondiwindi landfill (for general or green waste). However, commercial users will pay a fee based on $100 per tonne for any items that cannot be recycled or reused.

'Council has tried to better match the revenue and costs generated by different users of the waste services instead of simply charging for bin collection services,’ Mayor Graeme Scheu explained.

These changes are in line with the state waste strategy, which encourages local governments to extend the life of landfills by recycling more - and burying less - waste annually.

The life expectancy of the Goondiwindi landfill is currently only around 15 years. Modelling shows that the introduction of recycling may extend that lifespan by 10 more valuable years.

'This is very important for our council region as goodness knows where we can locate another landfill in the middle of this floodplain,' said Cr Scheu. 'It could have to be miles away – which would come at a considerable cost.'

 ‘A very slight water charge increase is expected, but we’ll maintain our status as some of the cheapest in the state,' Cr Scheu said.

For further information, please contact:

Councillor Graeme Scheu
Goondiwindi Regional Council
Mobile: 0427 718 877

29th May 2018 at 12:00 AM