Group of men outside Inglewood Mates Shed

Council contributes to Inglewood Mates’ Shed makeover

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 A suite of upgrade works will soon begin at the Inglewood Mates’ Shed to improve the popular community group’s facilities.

The renovation works are part of a master plan to make the Inglewood branch of the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) building more sustainable and accessible to everyone in the community. 

The projects to be completed this financial year will include the construction of a new disability access ramp and an external footpath to the workshop. The old Scout Hut will also receive a well-deserved makeover, with new floor coverings and a fresh coat of paint both inside and out. The group also hopes to construct a new skillion roof at the front of the workshop.

Goondiwindi Regional Council contributed $10,000 to the Inglewood Mates’ Shed Inc. towards the upgrades. The group also received grants towards the work from the RACQ Foundation along with the Australian Government’s National Shed Development Programme (NSDP), administered by the AMSA.

Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM said the Mates’ Shed had been preparing their plan for the Shed for several years and he was pleased that Council had been able to assist them with their renovations.

“Council’s continued support of local community groups such as the Mates’ Shed is especially important this year given the reduced fundraising opportunities due to COVID-19 restrictions,” Cr Springborg said.

“I really commend the Mates’ Shed for their efforts in sourcing additional funding opportunities and I’m pleased that Council has been able to contribute towards the works this year,” he said. “The Mates’ Shed is a great asset to Inglewood and gives so much back to the community. The new infrastructure upgrades will ensure the site is easily accessible to everyone, across all abilities and mobility levels.”

The Mates’ Shed building is owned by Council and operated by the Inglewood Mates’ Shed Inc. under a memorandum of understanding (MOU). 

Dali Doljanin is the Treasurer of the Inglewood Mates’ Shed Inc. and said the group plays an important role in alleviating social isolation. He said ensuring the site’s accessibility was part of the ‘Shedder’ community spirit.

“The Mates’ Shed aims to help those who need help and support people in our community, including those living with a disability,” Mr Doljanin said.

“The Shed gives men a safe and practical meeting place to socialise and work on projects. This funding ensures that everyone can access the Shed and enjoy its pleasant surrounds all the way down to the boat ramp on the [Macintyre] Brook,” he said. “The Shed complex is a friendly and welcoming place where men can get together and contribute to the community.”

Along with facilitating men’s work on meaningful projects, the Inglewood Mates’ Shed group also host regular activities such as bingo, pool and card games. They also manage a community vegetable garden.

25th September 2020 at 12:00 AM