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Council announces new COVID-19 grant for community groups

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Goondiwindi Regional Council has announced the launch of a new COVID-19 grant to assist local community groups with their operational costs.

The temporary grant will reimburse community groups up to $1,200 towards their ongoing operational expenses such as insurance, utility costs and annual accounting audit fees.

The grant is a result of Council’s COVID-19 Community and Economic Relief Package, which included a commitment to increase its Community Grants and Donations program to $441,000 for the 2020-21 financial year.

Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM said the new grant would support community groups to keep operating through the pandemic.

“Council has heard from many local groups who do so much for our region, but who are doing it tough at the moment,” Cr Springborg said.

“Many are really feeling the pinch – not just from COVID-19, but also the impact of the drought. Their usual fundraising opportunities and events have been halted by the pandemic and available business sponsorships are currently slim on the ground.

“The COVID-19 Community Grant is about keeping those organisations going during these tough times, to give back to them and ensure they can continue their work within our community.”

Applications for round one of the COVID-19 Community Grant open Monday 2 November and must be in no later than Friday 18 December. Groups are encouraged to submit their applications early.

To be eligible for the grant, applicants must be a local community group operating as a not-for-profit (as an incorporated entity or similar). Its membership and main beneficiaries must be based in the Goondiwindi region.

Cr Springborg said the grant would complement additional Council initiatives to aid the region’s economic recovery from COVID-19 and the ongoing drought, including waiving rates for sporting clubs and community groups, and halving all planning and development fees for 2020-21.

“To date, Council has already distributed more than $220,000 in community grants and donations this year,” the Mayor said.

“Council is extremely proud to support our local community groups where it can and ensure that those funds remain in the region and keep cash flowing locally.”

Groups can apply even if they have received other Council funding this financial year. Further conditions apply - visit and read the funding guidelines for more information.  Applicants can also contact Council’s grant officer Megan Boyd on 07 4671 7400.

27th October 2020 at 12:00 AM