From the Mayor's Desk - 14 December 2020

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With the end of the year fast approaching, I’d like to begin my final column of 2020 by wishing each and every resident in the Goondiwindi region a very merry and safe Christmas, and a happy - and healthy - new year.

‘Unprecedented’ would have to be one of the most overused words in the English language and it was certainly used a lot this year. Every year that I can remember has been different from the one before, as I’m sure will be the case again next year. There will be extraordinary events and different circumstances for us all and I’m sure that our community, as it always does, will rise to those challenges and grasp the opportunities.

Many across our region celebrated significant milestones and achievements this year and our residents celebrated along with them. Our hearts and support also went out to those in our community who suffered loss and disadvantage.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to personally thank my fellow Councillors as well as our Council staff for their work in guiding our region through the many unexpected challenges we faced this year, from pioneering new border crossing technology back in April to advocating for border passes for our essential agricultural workers.

Following a commitment I made prior to becoming Mayor, I’m pleased to say that Council held the first monthly Ordinary Meeting outside of Goondiwindi in 11 years when we met in Inglewood in September. We will also meet in Texas in March, and then repeat this cycle throughout the council term.

We’ve had challenges, but we’ve also achieved a great many successes this year: in particular, Council has been able to deliver a tremendous amount of Capital works across the region thanks to external grants and funding. An extraordinary amount of external funding has been put towards projects right around the region, including around $5 million from the Australian Government’s Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements towards repairing our western roads from flooding damage in February. The State Government has contributed $4.2 million to deliver drought resilience works and greater water security in Talwood, Texas, Goondiwindi, Toobeah and Yelarbon and exploration work for a bore continues in Inglewood. A further $2.1 million from the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure grant has gone towards social infrastructure projects such as upgrading the community hall in Cement Mills.

With the Queensland borders open once again, I’m sure many of you will be taking this opportunity to travel to see friends and family. Please take special care when travelling during this festive period. This time of year also signals bushfire season and, if you haven’t already, I urge residents to prepare their properties and ensure they have a survival plan and emergency kit in place – for help with this, visit:

Finally, keep an eye out for more information about the Australia Day Award ceremonies in Texas and Goondiwindi on 26 January. It will be a great way to kick off the new year as we celebrate the achievements of our community and I hope to see as many of you there as possible. Until then, stay safe this festive period and let’s enjoy this special time with friends, family and loved ones.

Hon. Lawrence Springborg AM


Goondiwindi Regional Council

14th December 2020 at 12:00 AM