Recent refurbishment means many more years for the MacIntyre Sports Complex

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Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM called in to see the newly re-painted Macintyre Sports Complex building during his visit to Inglewood today.

Goondiwindi Regional Council engaged a local painting contractor to re-paint the exterior of the Sports Complex building, also known as the MacIntyre Centre, at the end of last year. The work focused on some of the areas that were beginning to show signs of weather damage and wear and tear, including all the building’s exterior doors as well as the roller door, gutters and fasciae.

Cr Springborg visited the MacIntyre Centre during one of his regular scheduled visits to Inglewood to meet with residents. He said the project would help to maximise the lifespan of the popular community sports facility.

“It’s a pleasure to see the Centre looking refreshed and welcoming once more,” the Mayor said. “These updates were essential to keeping the facility up to date, and I’m sure it will help it continue to serve the Inglewood community for many more years to come.”

Located in Chilcott Street, the MacIntyre Sports Complex features both a rugby field and cricket pitch. The building itself is a popular community space, with space for up to 80 patrons and featuring a canteen, cold-room and undercover outdoor bar area as well as toilets and dressing sheds.

Residents are able to hire the Sports Complex for events and functions – for more information, visit:

Council allocated more than $5,000 from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program Grant towards the project. Cr Springborg said that improving public facilities was a major focus of that funding.

“Upgrades to community facilities and infrastructure were a big focus of this grant for Council. Our sporting grounds in particular are a pride and joy for so many in our region, and we want to ensure that those facilities remain up to date and sustainable for the future,” he said.

“Service is our business, and the repair and renewal of public assets was our main priority for this LRCI funding, which is being put towards projects that will not only benefit our communities in the long-term, but also stimulate the economy in the short-term. It’s helping us to support local jobs, services and suppliers in the region – such as in this case, where we were able to engage a local Inglewood painter to complete the work.”

Cr Springborg said Council’s success in securing external funding would increase the scope of its Budget for additional projects across the region.

“By successfully funding these projects externally, we can maximise the ratepayer dollar for other projects while keeping costs minimal,” he said.

The Sports Complex project complements several other recent upgrades to sporting facilities and community centres across the Goondiwindi region as part of the LRCI program. These include the installation of new fencing at the Barry McGregor Oval, pipework upgrades at the Texas swimming pool, painting projects at the Cement Mills Hall and Goondiwindi Waggamba Community Cultural Centre, and the construction of new storage at the Goondiwindi PCYC.

26th February 2021 at 12:00 AM