From the Mayor's Desk - 24 May 2021

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Advocacy in action: cross-border policing, better flood modelling and options for Inglewood aged care – plus two opportunities for Queenslanders to celebrate.

I’ve held several meetings this past fortnight, including with the Deputy Premier and state government ministers, to advocate on behalf of Goondiwindi Region residents on a number of matters.

First of all, members of Balonne Shire Council and I met with the Deputy Premier the Honourable Steven Miles this fortnight to discuss the appointment of a ‘Cross-border Commissioner’ for Queensland, based on the success of an existing model between Victoria-New South Wales. The Deputy Premier is now considering our request and we are hopeful of a response within the next few months.

In addition, following my request to the Queensland Police Service (QPS) to bring forward their planned meeting with their NSW counterparts, I’m pleased to confirm that the meeting has been brought forward to tomorrow [Tuesday 25 May]. I’ll be attending, along with representatives from the QPS and the NSW Police Force, to address jurisdictional issues and responsibilities regarding cross-border crime. This past fortnight, I was also able to speak with the Minister for Police and Corrective Services Mark Ryan about how we’ve been dealing with the issue of antisocial crime in Goondiwindi and he complimented our efforts and that of the police. Like me, he is encouraged by what appears to be the initial success of increased police resources in our region, and I will keep residents updated on the outcome of the meeting.

Secondly, I met with the Bureau of Meteorology’s Peter Stone about the recent flooding event in Texas. As promised, I outlined our residents’ concerns about the inadequacy of flood modelling and insufficient warning systems in the border rivers area, particularly upstream of Texas. We had to witness this inadequacy not only in 2011, but again in the recent March flooding event. It’s time to address this, and the BoM is now looking to come out to meet with Council and landholders to improve the situation on the ground. More to follow.

Now again to Inglewood, and I was very pleased to meet with a senior representative from the Churches of Christ Queensland last Monday while in Brisbane. This was the meeting we’d been hoping for, and we were able to discuss possible options of transferring the lease of the previous ‘Casa Mia’ facility to the Inglewood community. I must thank the State Government’s Department of Resources (DOR) for coordinating this opportunity, as I can report it was a positive and constructive conversation - we now wait to hear back from CoC on what they decide. In a separate meeting of our local Inglewood aged care stakeholder group, we were joined by the Chief Executive of Darling Downs Health (DDH), Peter Gillies, to discuss the possibility of some kind of collaboration with DDH for a shared services arrangement in the future. This would, of course, be entirely dependent on our current negotiations to secure the lease of the facility, so there is much more work to be done – but positive steps are being made.

Next, an opportunity for our local not-for-profit groups, charities, community organisations, schools and libraries. This October is Queensland Seniors Month, which aims to recognise the contribution seniors make to our region. The theme this year is ‘Social Connections’: if COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s surely the vital importance of connecting with others. Subsidies of up to $1,000 are available to host events and activities in October that bring together different generations and celebrate the essential role that older people play in our community. Applications close next Monday 31 May - so I strongly encourage interested groups to apply ASAP. To find out more, visit or phone COTA Queensland on 1300 738 348.

Finally, Sunday 6 June will mark Queensland Day - and 162 years since our maroon state became an independent colony. It’s an opportunity for our community to come together and share in state pride, and I’d like to invite all residents to do just that at our very own Customs House Museum in Goondiwindi, 9 am - 1 pm. The morning will mark their annual open day, so it will be free entry for all, with the option for morning tea for $5. Come and discover local history, connect with fellow Queenslanders, and celebrate this wonderful heritage-listed building that played such an important role in the story of our region.

24th May 2021 at 12:00 AM