Investors back Goondiwindi with new housing developments on the horizon

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Slow and steady housing growth will be key to Goondiwindi’s continued success, says Mayor of the Goondiwindi Region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM.

“We had high demand for rental properties, even through the worst of the drought, and that demand only continues to grow,” the Mayor said. “Any given week, you’ll see more than 50 jobs advertised within the region - and there’s cause for even more confidence now with recent rainfall and improved seasons.

“It is no surprise that smart people are choosing the Goondiwindi region for their investment,” he said.

Council introduced a 50% reduction of building, planning and development application fees across the region at the start of the 2020-21 financial year, and the scheme has seen a number of local and external investors take up the opportunity to develop in the Goondiwindi Region.

When Council unveiled its Budget for 2021-22 last month, it announced that it would extend its discount on planning and development application fees for the new financial year, following the success of the initiative.

“The fact that multiple developers expect to see a high return on investment from our region just shows how much potential there is on offer,” Cr Springborg said.

Over the last few years, Council has granted conditional development approval for around 150 new residential blocks in the town.  About 40 of those are expected to begin construction within the next few months.

Council is also currently assessing an additional subdivision request for 100+ housing lots, with a decision anticipated within the coming month. Cr Springborg said Council had also received expressions of interest in numerous more residential housing lots in the town.

“Rome certainly wasn’t built in a day, and it’s important to understand that construction and trunk infrastructure takes time,” Cr Springborg said. “This is about planning for Goondiwindi’s future, and we want to assure residents that projects are in the pipeline.

“Council has repeatedly heard from local businesses that it’s a very competitive recruitment market in the region,” he said.

“The availability of quality housing, especially 3–4-bedroom accommodation, is essential to attracting the employees to the region that those businesses require. Council wants to assure local businesses that we are actively engaging with developers to ensure that our businesses and region can continue to steadily grow.

“Some of our neighbouring regional areas have experienced the kind of boom-and-bust with housing that can come with mining projects. The Goondiwindi Region is proud to follow a very different development model - we’re about slow and steady sustainable growth.”

Cr Springborg said that attracting a steady stream of development in a strategic and considered manner was key to managing the region’s housing supply and demand, and added that local residents also have an important role to play in the continued growth of the region.

“It’s certainly an exciting time in the region’s growth. To anyone who wants to invest, or set down roots in our region, I’d say: don’t miss out once these new developments are on the market,” the Mayor said.

8th July 2021 at 12:00 AM