Entire household must isolate if any Goondiwindi Region resident has been to Locked Down Area, says Mayor

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Mayor of the Goondiwindi Region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM is urging local residents to cooperate with the latest restrictions if they, or any member of their household, has travelled to any of the Locked Down Areas in South East Queensland.

Cr Springborg has emphasised that this includes boarding school students returning from an affected local government area (LGA), such as Brisbane or the Gold Coast, and that lockdown restrictions will then also apply to every member of the student’s household.

Any Goondiwindi Region resident, and every member of their household, who has been to an affected LGA at or since 1 am Saturday 31 July must stay at home until 4 pm Sunday 8 August 2021 unless for absolutely essential reasons, such as to buy medications or to get a COVID-19 test.

In addition, it is now also mandatory to wear a facemask in the Goondiwindi Region if you, or any member of your household, have been in an affected LGA at any time since 1 am 29 June, until 14 days have passed since you were last in that LGA.

Cr Springborg is urging residents to “do the right thing” if they are affected by the new restrictions.

“The current situation in Queensland is incredibly serious and we are dealing with a highly contagious variant of this virus,” the Mayor said. “I ask anyone in our region who has recently been to any of the affected areas, or who lives with someone who has, to do the right thing by our community and follow the restrictions as required.

“We only need to look to New South Wales for an indication of the severity of this virus and just how contagious this new strain is. One single locally acquired case on 16 June has since led to more than 3,600 local cases across the state – and that’s despite strict lockdowns by the NSW Government. 

“I appreciate that isolating until Sunday at this stage may seem inconvenient, especially if you’re only required to do so because of someone in your household - but think of the implications on our community if we allow this variant to reach our region.

“I’m sure there will be residents who, like myself, were in Brisbane or at the coast just before the lockdown came into place. To those residents, I ask that they also do the right thing and wear a mask to protect our community until 14 days have passed. As our Chief Health Officer said this weekend, every bit of protection helps.

“We’re well on our way to being one of the most vaccinated regions in the country thanks to the recent Pfizer super clinic and the fantastic ongoing effort by our local health providers. Our one glimmer of hope is that evidence shows the risk is greatly reduced for fully vaccinated people, who are mostly protected from requiring hospital admissions and greatly reduce the risk of transmission.

“But, we must continue to take this seriously and take every precaution as necessary. So I ask that residents continue with the measures that have served our community so well over the last 18 months: testing when required, isolating when unwell, practising good hygiene and social distancing, and getting vaccinated if eligible.”

The affected LGAs currently include the City of Brisbane, City of Gold Coast, City of Ipswich, Lockyer Valley Regional Council, Logan City, Moreton Bay Region, Noosa Shire Council, Redland City, Scenic Rim Regional Council, Somerset Regional Council and Sunshine Coast Regional Council.

2nd August 2021 at 12:00 AM