Wet weather and COVID-19 restrictions delay Goondiwindi pool upgrades

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Swimmers in Goondiwindi inspired by the Australian Olympic team’s success will have to wait for just a few more weeks before they can get back in the pool.

More than $3 million worth of upgrades are currently under way to improve the longevity of the Goondiwindi Memorial Swimming Pool, with the scheduled opening of the pool’s summer swim season now pushed back due to copious recent rain and interruptions from COVID-19 restrictions. A national shortage in construction supplies like steel has also added to the delay.

Mayor of the Goondiwindi Region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM said Council was now aiming for an October opening date.

The heated pool and kiosk will be open as normal during the September school holidays, with hopes that the main pool will be ready to open in the second week of Term 4. Sign-on day is scheduled for 13 September - interested residents should contact the pool management directly to make lesson bookings.

“I know many residents will be disappointed that the work will take a few weeks longer than planned, but unfortunately it just can’t be helped with recent wet weather, supply shortages and restrictions now in place impacting some of the workers on the project,” Cr Springborg said.

“However, we’re certainly all looking forward to when the pool does open again, and the work taking place now will ensure it can continue to be a great viable asset for our region for years to come.

“The Goondiwindi pool supports 13 schools from across the region, so Council will also be working closely with the lessee of the pool to explore solutions for their school swimming programs and sports.”

“I’d like to thank everyone for their patience and hopefully the pool will be back with a splash in October.”

The Goondiwindi pool closed at the end of February so work could begin during the offseason.

The upgrades at the pool include replacing the filtration system, refurbishing the shell, relining the pool in stainless steel and vinyl polymer, installing a wet deck area and access ramp. A new larger filtration room has also been constructed on the site.

The Goondiwindi pool has served the local community for about 60 years. The new upgrades complement various recent Council upgrades to the Inglewood and Texas pools.

Cr Springborg said the multiple factors contributing to the delay had eaten into the contingency plan built into the original timeline and, because of this, any further significant weather events or COVID-19 impacts would further affect the opening date.

“This is a long term project that can’t be rushed,” Cr Springborg said.

6th August 2021 at 12:00 AM