Connectivity problems? Add your name to Council’s telecoms review submission

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Goondiwindi Regional Council is urgently encouraging residents to add their names to a formal submission to the federal government about the state of local regional telecommunications.

Residents have until Thursday, 30 September to share their views and concerns about regional telecommunications services in the Goondiwindi Region as part of the Australian Government’s 2021 Regional Telecommunications Review.

“We want as many submissions as possible from our region so as to highlight the connectivity issues and get the best possible outcome, Cr Susie Kelly said today.

Council has prepared its own submission, which was adopted at Council’s Ordinary Meeting in Inglewood yesterday, to advocate for improved connectivity in the region.

Council is now encouraging residents to download a copy of that submission then submit it to the federal government as a separate submission, using the letter template provided.

  1. Download a copy of (a) Council’s submission and (b) the letter template here:
  2. Add your contact details to the letter template.
  3. Upload (a) the submission and (b) the signed letter template here: Alternatively, please e-mail both documents to

Councillors Susie Kelly and Lachlan Brennan took calls from concerned residents and hosted a number of drop-in sessions across the Goondiwindi Region in August to gain a rounded view of residents’ experiences and difficulties regarding connectivity. They used the feedback gathered from those sessions to form the recommendations included in Council’s submission.

Cr Kelly, who holds Council’s portfolio for Rural Services, said that individual submissions from residents would strengthen the case for the Goondiwindi Region as a whole.

“Cr Brennan and I have formed Council’s submission based on the comments from those who attended our drop-in sessions and who got in touch with us separately,” she said. “We therefore believe our submission represents a well-rounded view of ratepayers’ concerns, and Council will submit those recommendations on behalf of ratepayers.

“However, we’re asking that residents also make their own submission to the Review to really demonstrate that our region wants better connectivity. Residents can simply add their name to the letter template we’ve prepared, and then send it along with a copy of Council’s submission to count as a separate submission.”

The federal government conducts a review into regional telecommunications every three years.

Cr Brennan, who holds Council’s portfolio for Technology, said that while telecommunications are not a primary responsibility of Local Government, Council does play an advocacy role in that area.

“Council wants to see better connectivity across our region for individuals and families, but also for local businesses so they can continue with the types of innovation the Goondiwindi Region is known for,” Cr Brennan said. “In industries such as ag-tech, connectivity is key. We need high-speed, reliable broadband and mobile networks so our producers can keep up with emerging technologies and developments in those industries.

“We’re asking residents to send in their own submissions to the Review to help the federal government to understand the issues we’re facing in regional areas locally. The federal government will then use those submissions to address the issues raised by our residents, and hopefully deliver on the recommendations we’ve made.”

Download Council’s submission from the website here:

23rd September 2021 at 12:00 AM