From the Mayor's Desk - 25 October 2021

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Vaccine roadmap to freedom is welcome news for our cross-border region

I am delighted to finally be able to write this column with a clear roadmap to freedom before us. The state government’s announcement last week of its intentions to ease restrictions at 70% and 80% vaccination milestones is most welcome news and we now eagerly look forward to once again being able to visit our families, friends and loved ones. In particular, this will be a warm welcome for our residents south of the border, for whom the past months have been especially difficult, and we very much look forward to a return to normal community life.

As other visitors also recommence travelling through our region, we can rest assured that our community will be better protected than just about anywhere else in the country. At 79.8% fully vaccinated (as of 24 October), the Goondiwindi Region is leading the state’s vaccination rollout by ‘a country mile’ – and I want to thank every individual in our region who has taken the proactive approach to getting through this pandemic. Let’s look forward now to when we can reap the rewards of all that hard work and commitment - from 17 December, if not before.

Harvest update – Talwood and Yelarbon

I’m very pleased to confirm that the Talwood and Yelarbon border crossings have opened today [Monday 25 October] for the remainder of the local harvest. I know that this makes a tangible difference to local farmers, and Council is very proud of this result of its advocacy. The crossings are open to local traffic with a valid border pass for limited hours:

  • Talwood: 7 am – 7 pm, Yelarbon: 8 am – 6 pm

Border Crime Prevention Committee update

A few updates from our Border Crime Prevention Committee meeting last week: the committee will be making a recommendation to both the QLD and NSW governments to implement a trial of legislation changes for greater inter-jurisdictional powers, as border communities like ours clearly demonstrate the need for greater cross-border authority and co-operation. The committee is also pursuing a recommendation for our local Goondiwindi police station to be open and manned 24/7.

The latest advice from the QLD and NSW police is still that just a very small number of repeat, juvenile offenders are behind the majority of property crime in Goondiwindi. The committee is currently working to look into the numerous different programs that have received state and federal funding to support at-risk individuals within our region, especially with the view of preventing or limiting crime, and to confirm that those programs have delivered their intended outcomes. This is about ensuring accountability and ensuring that these valuable funding opportunities have achieved what they were intended for.

Funding boost for Goondiwindi and Inglewood Chamber members

During Council’s October Ordinary Meeting last week, Council agreed to contribute $35,000 to the Goondiwindi Chamber of Commerce for a range of activities in the coming year. As the Goondiwindi Chamber extended its services to businesses in Inglewood earlier this year, I’m very pleased that this funding will also directly benefit Inglewood members. The agreed activities include networking events (in Goondiwindi and Inglewood), delivering the Regional Business Awards, providing training opportunities, working with the Grow Gundy gift card campaign, and increasing the membership base.

Time to celebrate

It’s great to see some events back in full swing after having been previously scaled back due to COVID. Lanescape shone a shining light on the creativity just brimming within our region – congratulations to the committee for their tireless work towards achieving this year’s artwork and festival. The Goondiwindi Emergency Services Day was another great success and kicked off SES Week, in honour of the hard work and outstanding efforts of the staff and volunteers within our state emergency services.

It was also great to see the Goondiwindi State High School students take to the stage for their Awards Night, which was online-only last year. It’s the time of year when we can look back and celebrate the achievements of students across region – and I also had the opportunity to look forward to future successes by opening a new $660,000 student accommodation facility at the Goondiwindi Hospital. These past two years have taught us that a solid regional health service is simply invaluable, and this new facility will help to secure our reputation as a medical hub into the future.

Finally, do look out for the final 2021 edition of Council’s Belong magazine, which should arrive in residents’ mailboxes soon. Published three times a year, the magazine came about from requests for more updates about Council matters – this edition includes details of a new local tourism campaign, insights into the Goondiwindi Pool upgrades, Inland Rail preparation, and more. It forms part of Council’s commitment to transparency, but also serves to celebrate this wonderful region that we all share.

25th October 2021 at 12:00 AM