Recycling is Coming

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20 March 2018

Waste Changing in Goondiwindi Region

Dealing with waste throughout the Goondiwindi Region will change in the new financial year with the introduction of kerbside recycling in all urban areas, transfer stations in Toobeah, Talwood and Inglewood and the start of commercial waste charges in Goondiwindi.

From the 1st of July this year every resident or business who currently has a kerbside bin service will receive a yellow lid recycle bin that will be emptied fortnightly.  This service is being introduced in response to demand from residents and to reduce the amount of rubbish being put into our dumps throughout the region. 

“Every cubic metre of space taken up will cost Council almost $120 to replace when we need to build new dumps to current design standards.”  Waste Portfolio Councillor Rob Mackenzie said. “If we can reduce 30 – 40% through a recycling program then the numbers start to add up for our region.”

Visitors to the dump in Inglewood will also see a new transfer station introduced that will see rubbish taken to the dump face several times a week to be properly compacted and covered in an attempt to save space and reduce the amount of litter that currently escapes. 

Inglewood residents will still be able to deliver all types of waste including green waste to the dump, but will be encouraged to better separate the recyclables into their designated areas where possible.

The other change will see Council introduce charges at its weighbridge in Goondiwindi for large commercial users who deliver some types of waste.

“Currently, more than 50% of space at the dump is taken up with commercial waste so it seems only fair that commercial users contribute to the cost of the maintenance of the dump. 

Until now, all of the cost created through collecting rubbish and operating our dumps was paid by the residents who had a kerbside collection service through their bin charge.  This will change with some of the cost now collected directly from those who use the dump the most.

Most other councils also apply a waste management levy to cover part of the cost of operating dumps and rehabilitating them at the end of their life. Council will consider the introduction of a Waste Management Levy to every rate notice across the region including those that do not have a collection service.  “It is obvious that people other than those with a bin service use the various dumps and roadside bins and this is a way of having them contribute to that cost,” Councillor Mackenzie said. 

Based on our modelling to date these changes will see the average household service increase by 82 cents per week after adding the recycling service.

“People will ask why is Council wasting all of this money?  Why are they introducing waste charges? Why are they so keen on recycling and separating waste?  The answer is that times have changed and we can’t just dig holes and bury our problems any longer,” Councillor Mackenzie said.

“Whilst the details of the State Governments announcement today are still to be finalised, Queensland appears to be one of the only states without a landfill levy where Councils pay a levy to the state government for every tonne of rubbish that is buried. Whilst perhaps not the intention at the moment, it is only a matter of time before it lands with us, so these changes now are about trying to reduce that cost through making people think about their waste, possibly change their habits and reduce the rubbish that they do send to the ground.”

Council will release more detailed information about each program and initiative over the next 6 months as it is rolled out.

For further information, please contact:

Councillor Rob Mackenzie
Waste & Regulatory Services Portfolio
Goondiwindi Regional Council
Mobile: 0427 754 591

21st March 2018 at 12:00 AM