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The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) rainfall predictions from yesterday have today been downgraded. The potential threat for the Inglewood community has eased.

Overnight, there were significant falls that will see some river rises in the upper Dumaresq.

BoM are still predicting moderate flood levels for both towns, however this is very much dependent on heavy rainfall in the next 24 hour period.

Mayor of the Goondiwindi Region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM is asking Inglewood and Texas residents to remain alert and be ready to act on relatively short notice, if required.  In my discussions with community members today, I know that they are well prepared and monitoring the situation locally. 

“We’ve had in excess of 100 mm in the eastern end of the region in the last 24 hours, and fortunately it fell in areas where it is largely being absorbed within the residual capacity of Glenlyon Dam,” Cr Springborg said.

“I encourage all residents, particularly in the Dumaresq River and Macintyre Brook areas, to remain vigilant. We never know how much rain we will get until it is in the gauge, and it’s therefore important that we are cautious, remain prepared and be safe.

“Following the major impacts, particularly for residents along the Dumaresq River, in March 2021 we know residents are on edge with this current weather event.  Whilst we wait to see what rain falls overnight, I encourage you to reach out to neighbours and friends and check-in on them at this time.

Council and the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) will continue to monitor the situation closely. Keep up to date with rainfall and river conditions at or

11th November 2021 at 12:00 AM