Goondiwindi Region Flood Update #11 – Inglewood Recovery – 2 December 2021

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For assistance with immediate clean-up damage to property, residents are encouraged to contact the SES on 132 500, an officer will also be available at the local Inglewood SES facility later this morning for drop-ins.

QFES Rapid Damage Assessment crews continue today undertaking electrical inspections in conjunction with Essential Energy and electricians.

Council’s Inglewood Customer Service Centre and Library have been impacted by floods and this facility is closed until further notice, as Council focuses its attention on supporting local’s businesses and residents in their recovery.

Council is working with the District Recovery Committee to commence financial and social support for those impacted.  It is expected that more information will become available later today.  The Inglewood Macintyre Centre will likely be established as this hub in the coming days.

Goondiwindi Mayor, the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM said “I want to assure residents that there have been lessons learnt from this flood and there will be a comprehensive assessment to make improvements for the future.

“Despite this, the patience and community spirit which has been on display in spades, has been exceptional from the Inglewood community. 

“At present Council’s focus is on the recovery and helping to get businesses opening their doors again, and families back in their own homes.

“I also want to pass on that I am hearing from across the region and the State, sincere compassion and there are many offers of assistance to help in the clean-up and recovery.

“Yesterday afternoon I took a call from Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young PSM and she expressed her support for community and gratitude for those providing assistance at this time.  On behalf of the community, I thank Her Excellency for her expressions of support and compassion,” said the Mayor.

2nd December 2021 at 12:00 AM