Cultural Centre Best in Rural SE Qld

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7 March 2018

Goondiwindi Cultural Centre Best Venue in the West

If you’ve noticed an influx of utes at the Goondiwindi Waggamba Community Cultural Centre this week, that’s because the venue is hosting the Grain Research Development Corporation (GRDC) Goondiwindi Update with up to 350 agronomists and growers from as far as Central Queensland and the Liverpool Plains.

Conference organiser John Cameron from Independent Consultants Australia Network Pty Ltd (ICAN), told the Mayor that he believes the venue is the best large venue in rural South East Qld. 

Recent upgrades to the venue with state of the art new audio visual technical equipment in the meeting (river) room, wi-fi throughout the facility, kitchen improvements and a host of other upgrades, John commended the Mayor on investing in such upgrades to a regional community resource. 

Cultural Centre award
Left to right: John Cameron (Director ICAN), Graeme Scheu (Mayor Goondiwindi Regional Council), Lucy Broad (Communication & Extension GRDC), John Woods (Chair GRDC)

Cultural Centre award
Goondiwindi Waggamba Community Cultural Centre Meeting room – new audio visual equipment ready for conference delegates

Goondiwindi Regional Council recognises the value of agriculture to our district and being able to stage rural conferences like this in Goondiwindi only ensures that our region continues with the Excellence in Agriculture we have become accustom to.  

Mayor Graeme Scheu visited the conference stating, “The Goondiwindi Waggamba Community Cultural Centre is an amazing asset to the region, and we are aiming to keep hosting great conferences.  Facilities such as this are not money-makers for Council they actually cost a lot to maintain and we believe they are worth the investment for local community members and for promoting visitors into the region”. 

For further information, please contact:


Councillor Graeme Scheu
Goondiwindi Regional Council
Mobile: 0427 718 877

7th March 2018 at 12:00 AM