From the Mayor’s Desk - 21 December 2021

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A time to reflect; an opportunity to look forward


As 2021 draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on what, for many, has been a very difficult 12 months, with two major flood events and border restrictions that plagued our local communities.

I also wish to look forward to the year ahead and welcome a new chapter in our region’s recovery.

As the floodwaters slowly recede, our region will be extremely fortunate to have the services of a new Regional Recovery Coordinator, Ms Jo Killick, provided by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority at no cost to ratepayers. Based locally, Jo will be dedicated to the immediate recovery and reconstruction of our flood-affected communities, as well as helping them to prepare for future severe weather events.

In the past few weeks, Council has already helped to coordinate more than 60 helicopter deliveries of essential supplies to isolated residents. For some, this will still continue into the Christmas period. Let’s keep them in our thoughts in the coming weeks and please, look out for one another.

With another wet summer predicted, our region continues to face a higher risk of flooding. As we saw in Inglewood, preparation is vital. Visit to prepare now.

To COVID now, and I want to thank every resident who has helped the Goondiwindi Region to continue to lead the state’s vaccination roll-out to where we are today, at more than 95% fully vaccinated (15 and over).

With the borders finally open, we stand in great stead for what lies ahead. While the face of this pandemic is continually changing, we look forward to further easing of restrictions in 2022, once Queensland hits its 90% fully-vaccinated target.

I’m sure many of you will be taking this long-awaited opportunity to see loved ones interstate - please take special care when travelling during this festive period.

Next, I’d like to personally thank my fellow Councillors as well as our Council staff for all their hard work and dedication through this year’s many hurdles - from their incredible response during the recent floods, to the continued headache of border restrictions, and the now long list of flood repairs facing our crews. And this is all in addition to delivering the everyday operations to the high standards as expected by residents. Thank you for your service and commitment to our region.

I’d also like to extend my sincere thanks to the many members of the community who rose up to volunteer and assist their neighbours during the recent events. It just goes to show what a wonderful community we have here in our region, with everyone pulling together at a critical time to provide not just goods and resources, but also emotional support.

Finally, I’d like to wish each and every resident in the Goondiwindi Region a very happy Christmas. I hope to see as many of you as possible at the Goondiwindi Region Australia Day Award ceremonies on 26 January, but until then - stay safe, stay healthy, and let’s enjoy this special festive period with friends, family and loved ones.

21st December 2021 at 12:00 AM