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New local jobs website to help Goondiwindi Region employers attract workers

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A new online employment platform is now live to help Goondiwindi Region employers attract skilled workers to roles within the region.

The new website,, has been developed by local businesses, for local businesses, and will enable local employers to advertise job vacancies to potential employees across the country and beyond for no cost.

Businesses are encouraged to come along to a free workshop tomorrow [16 February], 5.30 pm at The Spot in Goondiwindi for an introduction to the new site and to learn step-by-step how to list vacant positions. You can also attend the workshop online – for more information, visit

Mayor of the Goondiwindi Region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM said it’s all part of a drive to promote the Goondiwindi Region and encourage more skilled and unskilled workers to look to our region for career opportunities.

“The labour market has never been more competitive, and we want our region to be at the forefront of attracting new talent as Australia opens up again,” Cr Springborg said. “This project came about from local businesses working together with Council to address local labour shortages – especially for skilled positions.”

The website is a one-stop shop for local jobs, importing local vacancies advertised elsewhere online into one tailored list of roles within the region. Applying for roles is easy, as job seekers can apply directly through the website and get local job alerts direct to their inbox.

The website also features promotional imagery and useful information about the region, showcasing all the benefits of living in ‘Regional Australia at its Best’.  It will be accompanied by an upcoming marketing campaign to promote the types of lifestyle and career opportunities available locally.

The project is just one of the many outcomes outlined in the Goondiwindi Region Local Employment Roadmap. The Roadmap has been developed by local businesses, with significant community input, to address employment challenges across the broader region.  

It’s been supported by kick-starter funding from the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC), with funding going to the new jobs website, the upcoming marketing campaign, and several other exciting employment projects still to be announced. The management of the rollout of Roadmap projects has been awarded (via successful open procurement process) to local Goondiwindi business Engage and Create Consulting.

“Council looks forward to seeing the projects in the Roadmap actioned and to continuing the positive working relationship we have with local business,” Cr Springborg said. “The exciting thing about this jobs platform, in particular, is that it will provide significant data about employment in the region, local skills shortages and applicant demographics, so businesses will have more insight to make informed decisions, allow for improved business collaboration and better target their marketing in the future.

“I’m extremely pleased that Council has been able to support these businesses to get the ball rolling, and now it will be managed collaboratively by local industry going forward,” the Mayor said. “I strongly want to encourage all local employers to make the most of this platform to list their vacancies, and would also encourage local job seekers to try it out, see all the local vacancies in one place, and apply easily online.

“I especially want to thank the ARTC for funding this project,” he said. “The Goondiwindi Region has a huge opportunity in both the short- and long-term with the commencement of Inland Rail. While Council has always stated that Inland Rail must bring its own staff and housing, to ease pressure on our workforce, the project will certainly promote our region to potential applicants - and we are stronger working together than in competition.”

15th February 2022 at 12:00 AM