Free flood support day in Inglewood this week to help affected residents get funding

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Goondiwindi Regional Council is encouraging all flood-affected primary producers from Inglewood, Texas and Yelarbon to attend a free flood support information day in Inglewood this Thursday.

AgForce SEQ will host the information session from 11 am at the Inglewood Civic Centre on 24 February. The free session will be open to all affected residents - you do not have to be a member of AgForce to attend.

The session is an opportunity to find all locally relevant flood recovery information in one place, with representatives in-person on the day from AgForce, the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA), Rural Financial Counselling Service, and the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.

Cr Susie Kelly is a Deputy Chair of the Goondiwindi Region Local Disaster Management Group and Chair of Recovery. She said Council had been strongly advocating for an opportunity for residents to speak to representatives face-to-face about the kind of support available in our region, such as the Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants through QRIDA.

“The key message here is, no matter how big or small your production or business, if you were affected by the floods, come in and have a chat and see what support may be available to you,” Cr Kelly said.

“This information session is an opportunity to get genuine, one-on-one support relevant to our region right from the people administering the funds,” she said. “You can get your questions answered and get your funding application rolling, well before the cut-off date.

“Council has been pushing for an event like this and has happily supplied the venue so that our local primary producers and small businesses can hear the information straight from the horse’s mouth,” she said. “We know many farmers just want to have a face-to-face conversation with a real person about what support is available and what they may be entitled to, and not just to have to call an 1800-number.”

Cr Kelly said Council is advocating for a similar event tailored to flood-affected residents in the west of the region.

“Just as we did after the March 2021 flood event for affected Texas farmers, Council lobbied the state government hard after the December floods to secure funding for our farmers,” she said. “I really want to encourage all those affected to put their applications in – any  funding will not only help that individual or business, but if spent locally, will also help our region more broadly by supporting local suppliers and businesses.”

The Inglewood event will run from 11 am through until the afternoon. There will also be a sausage sizzle available on the day. For more information, please contact AgForce Regional Manager Andrew Sinnamon on 0427144298 or

For more information about the Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants, visit:

22nd February 2022 at 12:00 AM