Goondiwindi Region is developers’ dream: industry, opportunity and can-do Council

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The Goondiwindi Region is ready and raring for new developments, says the region’s mayor the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM, with more planning approvals granted this year than in similar periods previously.

Since the start of 2022, Goondiwindi Regional Council’s planning department has already granted 12 approvals with another 14 applications being assessed and progressed in various stages of the statutory planning process.

The Mayor is strongly encouraging interested parties to get their applications in during the final months of Council’s 50% discount on planning application fees.

“We’re already way ahead of the curve for approvals this year which really goes to show that Council is open for business and welcoming new development,” Cr Springborg said.

“Planning and development approvals are essential to our region’s growth, as they bring new opportunities through new industry or the expansion of our existing industries,” he said.

“Council decided to continue to offer 50% off planning application fees for 2021-22, following the great success of the initiative last year. That discount will finish up at the end of the financial year – so I’m encouraging interested parties to take up the offer, get in touch with Council and get their planning applications in before 30 June.

“I’m pleased that we’ve had such a great uptake so far - this is exactly why Council adopted the 50% offer in the first place, to keep the region thriving during the pandemic, help to create new jobs and boost the local economy.”

Recent planning approvals include lots of operational works for local businesses and property owners, as well as subdivisions.

“We want the Goondiwindi Region to be the region of choice for developers and investors,” Cr Springborg said. “This is about ensuring our reputation as a progressive, pro-business region, with a Council whose role is to ensure the standards are met, then get out of the way so our region can grow.

“We want developers to know: the Goondiwindi Region has the industry, it has the opportunities, and it has a can-do Council.”

Council welcomes planning and development enquiries either by phone on (07) 4671 7400 or through an easy online form on Council’s website:

For more information, or to submit an application, visit

The 50% discount will be automatically applied to all planning applications received before the end of the financial year (30 June 2022).

24th February 2022 at 12:00 AM