Disallowance Motion Against the Northern Basin Amendment

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16 February 2018


Goondiwindi Regional Council is disappointed the Senate has voted to disallow an amendment to the Basin Plan affecting the Northern Basin.

The Murray Darling Basin Plan is a ground breaking piece of legislation, highly regarded around the world.  This is a comprehensive and complex Plan to deliver a sustainable future for all communities across the Basin.

The decision by the Senate overnight to disallow the recommended Northern Basin Amendments has been widely condemned by state governments, key industry and community organisations.

The Murray Darling Basin Authority has also expressed disappointment with the decision.

Goondiwindi Regional Council Mayor Graeme Scheu said, “It is disappointing that a majority of Senators have chosen to ignore the advice of experts who have spent the last 11 years developing the Plan and the last 5 years conducting the Northern Review”.  “Even the Murray Darling Basin Authority, who were tasked to deliver the Murray Darling Basin Plan, have condemned this decision,” he said.

The Goondiwindi Regional Council is committed to the implementation of a plan that supports a strong national and local economy and provides environmental sustainability.

Mayor Scheu said, “To see the Basin Plan compromised for political purposes is gravely disappointing.  Our council urges all parties to continue to work towards a plan that protects both the environment and the communities that rely on the Murray Darling River systems.”

For further information, please contact:

Councillor Graeme Scheu
Goondiwindi Regional Council
Mobile: 0427 718 877
Email: gscheu@grc.qld.gov.au

20th February 2018 at 12:00 AM