free support day poster flood grant toobeah 2022

Free support day in Toobeah to help flood-affected producers get their share of $50,000 grants

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Flood-affected primary producers in the Goondiwindi Region are invited to a free flood recovery session next Tuesday for advice and assistance in applying for grants of up to $50,000.

Goondiwindi Regional Council is encouraging all local producers impacted by the December 2021 floods to attend the drop-in session next Tuesday, 22 March between 3 – 5 pm at the Toobeah Hotel.

Grants of up to $50,000 are available through the Queensland Government’s Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grant for local producers affected by the December 2021 flood event.

Cr Susie Kelly is a Deputy Chair of the Goondiwindi Region Local Disaster Management Group and Chair of Recovery, and said the funding can go towards the hire or purchase of equipment and materials, clean up, removal of debris, replacement of fencing and other costs associated with the recovery process.

Cr Kelly is encouraging all flood-affected producers from the Goondiwindi Region to drop in to the free Toobeah session, no matter how big or small their production or how much flood damage was done.

“The key message here is that if you are a primary producer who was affected by the flood event, you are probably eligible for this funding.” Cr Kelly said. “Drop in and have a friendly chat with the right people, and get the information straight from the horse’s mouth about what support may be available to you.”

Council is facilitating the event and there will be representatives from the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) there on the day to answer any questions. The Goondiwindi Region’s local Rural Financial Counsellor Nicole Gamack will also be there to assist people with the application process and can provide various other forms of financial assistance.

“The Toobeah session is an opportunity to get genuine, one-on-one support right from the people administering the funds,” Cr Kelly said. “Come and get your questions answered and get your funding application rolling well before the cut-off date of 30 June.

“Council pushed hard to secure this funding from the state and federal governments for local flood-affected residents, and now we want to see that funding get the very best outcome through as many successful applications as possible,” she said.

“I really want to encourage all those affected to put their applications in – any  funding will not only help that individual or business, but if spent locally, will also help our region more broadly by supporting local suppliers and businesses.”

The Toobeah session will follow the success of a similar flood support day held in Inglewood last month, where local farmers were able to get support from various recovery agencies.

For more information about the Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants, visit:

16th March 2022 at 12:00 AM