Algae Farm Application

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19 February 2018


Goondiwindi Regional Council has received an application for an algae farm, where algae is grown and farmed to be used as a source of nutrient supplements for stock feed initially.  Mayor Graeme Scheu said today this is certainly an exciting new concept but it has understandably raised some concerns from nearby residents.  Council has received a petition and thirteen properly made submissions against the application, which need to be thoroughly considered.

Councillors and relevant Council officers visited a trial algae farm site at the University of Queensland, Pinjarra Hills near Kenmore in Brisbane with the purpose of gaining an insight into this new conception.  Since the site visit more information has been sought from a number of sources including the Director General of Queensland Health, a Professor from the Algae Biotechnology Laboratory at the University of Qld and the Department of Environment and Science aimed at gaining as much information as necessary to thoroughly assess the application before a decision is made. 

The assessment process will continue over the coming weeks and the application is expected to go to Council for decision at the March meeting, which will be held on 28 March 2018. 

Councillor Graeme Scheu
Goondiwindi Regional Council
Mobile: 0427 718 877

19th February 2018 at 12:00 AM