From the Mayor's Desk - 18 July 2022

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From our neighbouring Queensland councils to cross-border counterparts - collaboration is key


Last week, Goondiwindi was the proud host of the Darling Downs and South West Queensland (DDSWQ) Council of Mayors meeting. The Council of Mayors (DDSWQ) represents the communities of ten neighbouring regions and shires, including the Goondiwindi Region.

The mayors and CEOs of the ten regions were in attendance, as well as representatives from key state government departments such as Transport and Main Roads, the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, and more.

The day was an opportunity for our communities to share some of the common challenges we may be facing, along with some shared opportunities. Importantly, the Council of Mayors presents a chance to establish a united voice on the issues that impact us and our neighbours collectively.

One such issue faced by our and our neighbouring regions is cross-border crime. Last month, the New South Wales Cross-Border Commissioner travelled to Goondiwindi from Wagga Wagga for the latest Border Crime Prevention Committee meeting and was accompanied by senior representatives of the NSW Government as well as Inspector Phil Malligan from the NSW Police Service.

I am pleased to see our NSW counterparts take the issue so seriously and was impressed with their commitment to understanding the ongoing cross-border issues in full and exploring potential solutions. I am extremely appreciative of the NSW Government’s cooperation and intention to collaborate. The QLD Department of Youth Justice and Child Safety was also represented at the meeting. Following on Council’s successful advocacy for a 24-hour police station, we will continue to advocate for a seamless cross-border jurisdiction for linked offences and enhanced police powers, as well as better supervision and greater consequences for repeat juvenile offenders.

Goondiwindi Region pest animal management review

A reminder that Council is currently revising its priorities for rural services and is considering changes to the way it allocates its pest management spending. The proposed changes would better prioritise Council’s coordinated baiting program and the renewal of the 224-km Wild Dog Check Fence.

I would encourage rural landholders to give their feedback to Council's Natural Resources Management Officer Rebecca Morrissy, who is continuing in-person consultation throughout July in Goondiwindi, Inglewood and Texas. For appointments, please call 07 4671 7400.

Alternatively, residents can also have their say through an online survey:

Inglewood sets flight on national stage

Congratulations to the Inglewood community on the success of their recent Festival of Aeromodelling event. This was a national event with guest world champion pilots over an exciting five days of flying – and I understand accommodation was booked out in the town, with local businesses operating extended trading hours over the weekend for the hundreds of visitors.

Event organisers reached out to Council in May about the possibility of the June-July event, and I’m pleased to say Council was able to quickly respond to and support their request to make it a reality. Those organisers have since said they were delighted with the welcome from the community, and now look forward to hosting further events in the town. Let’s hope even more national events can take flight in Inglewood.

Well done to Patrick Carrigan

With such strong local family connections, I’m sure that I speak for all in our region when I congratulate Patrick Carrigan on winning the prestigious Wally Lewis medal for player of the series, following the Maroons reclaiming the State of Origin title.

18th July 2022 at 12:00 AM