Flood affected residents urged to apply now for recovery grants before deadline

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Residents impacted by floods in November/December 2021 or February to April 2022 are being urged to make a submission to the flood recovery grants by the 30 September deadline.

Eligible primary producers and small businesses may be eligible for up to $125,000 in grant funding to assist with repairs caused by flood impact.

Local Disaster Recovery Chair, Cr Susie Kelly says that successful grant submissions benefit the whole community, not just the business owner receiving the funding.

“When you receive funding through programs such as the Special Disaster Assistance Grants, it will allow you to buy supplies from the local shop and engage local contractors to complete the works, who then go on to spend the money in other places in town and so on. It really does jump start a cycle of economic stimulus that simply was not there before,” Cr Kelly explains.

There are currently two grant programs available for local businesses.

The first is for businesses impacted by the Central, Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding event, which occurred over November and December 2021. Up to $50,000 for impacted primary producers and $25,000 for impacted small businesses is available in this program. Submissions for this program close 30 September 2022.

The second is for businesses that were impacted by the South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding event, which occurred from the 22 February to 5 April 2022. This program allows up to $75,000 for impacted primary producers and up to $50,000 for small businesses with direct impact. Submissions for this program close 5 December 2022.

For both programs, grant funding can be used to hire or purchase equipment and materials, clean up, remove debris or replace fencing.

“Primary producers in the region can access these grants for fencing materials and repairs, as well as earthworks to repair flood-damaged cultivation fields, levee banks and dam walls,” said Cr Kelly.

“Don’t forget that the Rural Financial Counselling Service is available to assist with your grant applications if you need.”

To access the guidelines or to apply for the Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants visit https://www.qrida.qld.gov.au/what-qrida-does/current-programs.

To get in contact with the Rural Financial Counselling Service, visit www.rfcssq.org.au or call (07) 4622 5500 (for farm businesses) and 1300 732 777 (for small businesses). 

7th September 2022 at 12:00 AM