Apply now – Council successfully advocates for more flood recovery funding

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Goondiwindi Regional Council is reminding rural residents, primary producers and small businesses to apply for flood recovery funding if they were impacted by flood events in the Goondiwindi Region during November-December 2021 or February-April 2022.

The Queensland Government has announced a new grant scheme for the flood events of last flood season following Council’s advocacy for more recovery funding, especially for rural landholders. Importantly, the new grant scheme recognises those primary producers with higher off-farm income.

Mayor of the Goondiwindi Region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says now is an appropriate time to put your application in, while flooding and its impacts are at the forefront of everyone’s minds.

“If you haven’t done so already, I would encourage residents to apply now, with grants of up to $75,000 available and closing soon,” the Mayor said.

“I know some of our residents have just recently been impacted again by flooding. While there is currently no funding available for this October event, you CAN still apply now for the previous flood events that have impacted our region over the past 12 months.”

The newest round of funding to be announced means rural residents and landholders in the Goondiwindi Region could be eligible to receive a state government grant of up to $10,000 towards clean-up and reinstatement costs as a result of 2021-22 flooding events.

The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) Rural Landholder Recovery Grant Scheme is open now:

The QRIDA Grant Scheme provides a rebate to rural landholders to help pay for the costs of clean-up and reinstatement of a primary production enterprise that has suffered direct damage as a result of flood. Applications will close on 11 April 2023, or sooner if available funds are exhausted.

To be eligible, the relevant property must be located within the Goondiwindi Region – but must not have already received financial support from the disaster grants or loan assistance related to the 2021-22 flood events. Full eligibility criteria are available on the Scheme website.

Cr Springborg says if you were ineligible or unsuccessful for the first rounds of funding, this new round of up to $10,000 may be better for you.

“There are a few grant options available for the Goondiwindi Region and I strongly encourage residents, especially rural residents, primary producers and small businesses, to research what funding they may be eligible for,” he said. “Get your applications in as soon as possible as some close 5 December – and the newest QRIDA Grant Scheme may close whenever the funds are exhausted.”

Cr Springborg says to speak to the Goondiwindi Region’s free Rural Financial Counsellor if you need assistance or advice with your application.

“The Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) has a dedicated office in Goondiwindi with an experienced advisors available to provide free, independent information about what government payments and services are available during and after a disaster,” he said. “The RFCS can also assist farmers and graziers with the grant application process, as well as general business support.”


  • NEW – QRIDA Rural Landholder Recovery Grant Scheme

For flood events 10 November – 3 December 2021 OR 22 February - 5 April 2022:

  • Grants of up to $10, 000 are available to rural landholders to assist with clean and reinstatement activities.
  • To be eligible, the relevant property must not have received assistance related to the eligible disaster under the Disaster Assistance Loans Scheme (Primary Producers) or the Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants Scheme (Primary Producers) in relation to the eligible disaster.
  • Applications close 11 April 2023, or earlier if available funds have been fully used.
  • More information:


  • Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants

‘Central, Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding

(10 November – 3 December 2021):

  • Grants of up to $50,000 are available for affected producers OR

Grants of up to $25,000 are available for affected small businesses

Applications close 5 December 2022.

More information:


  • Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants

‘South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding’

(22 February - 5 April 2022):

  • Grants of up to $75,000 are available for affected producers OR

Grants of up to $50,000 are available for affected small businesses

Applications close 5 December 2022.

More information:

1st November 2022 at 12:00 AM