Grant to Solve Inglewood Sewerage Problem

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18 October 2017


Goondiwindi Regional Council Mayor, Graeme Scheu, attended the Local Government Association of Queensland Annual Conference, held in Gladstone, to hear the announcement of successful submissions to the Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program offered by the Queensland State Government.

“We are so pleased to receive up to $426,435 to augment the existing Inglewood Sewerage Plant to provide for the safe and reliable disposal of effluent after treatment,” Mayor Scheu said.

“Until now we have had to rely on third party agreements and the goodwill of others to dispose of this effluent and more importantly to comply with the conditions of our Environmental Licence.  We will now be able to transfer excess effluent to a parcel of land that Council owns for dispersal,” said the Mayor. 

Mayor and premier
Queensland Premier and Minister for the Arts, Annastacia Palaszczuk & Mayor Graeme Scheu at the LGAQ Annual Conference in Gladstone

Council submitted several other projects for consideration, including the Goondiwindi Animal Management Facility; however, these projects were not successful in securing funding.  Local Government Minister Mark Furner in announcing the grants outlined that the $60m program had received $193m in applications.

“So whilst we will are excited to be commencing construction of the sewerage project in the coming months, we will also be busy knocking on doors and looking for opportunities to fund the other projects.  The Premier also announced today that the very successful Works for Queensland funding program was likely to continue and possibly expand, which is some very positive news for our region,” the Mayor said.  “We are very appreciative of the support that the Palaszczuk government is providing to Council.”

Mayor Scheu also congratulated the Goondiwindi Rugby League Football Club for their successful application to the Department of Sport & Recreation Get Playing Spaces program to fund a $149,855 upgrade of the lighting at the Gilbert Oval complex.

For further information, please contact:

Councillor Graeme Scheu
Goondiwindi Regional Council

Mobile: 0427 718 877

18th October 2017 at 12:00 AM