Toobeah kindergarten taken by council may 2024

Council one step closer to securing Toobeah Kindergarten and Hall sites as freehold for the community

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Goondiwindi Regional Council is pleased to advise the Toobeah community of positive progress regarding the long-term security of the land commonly referred to as the Toobeah Kindergarten and Toobeah Hall Reserve sites in Toobeah (Lot 2 and 1 on SP 101134 respectively).

Following years of Council advocacy to the Queensland Department of Resources for solutions to these sites, they have only recently confirmed to Council that no native title determination exists over either of the sites and that they are open to conversations about changing the current land status to freehold.

If freehold status is granted, this will result in a transfer of ownership from the Queensland government to Council and the community, and provides locals with control over the future of the site.

Both sites are currently owned by the Queensland government and the legal use is for Public Hall purposes. Council is the Trustee of the Hall land only, and the Toobeah Kindergarten Association is the Trustee of their land.

In the case of the Toobeah Hall Reserve site, a portion of this land has been identified as potential for a new stock route, for which Council would continue to be the Trustee.

Council is working with the Queensland Department of Resources to ensure these vital community assets are available for use well into the future. This includes exploring freehold options for the Kindergarten site and the remainder of the Hall Reserve land.

Residents will be aware that there is an application to the State of Queensland for Crown (Queensland government) land for Aboriginal freehold land for the neighbouring site locally referred to as the Toobeah Reserve.

Neither the Toobeah Kindergarten nor Hall Reserve sites have ever been included in this Aboriginal freehold land application. Community engagement and decision-making responsibility for this application sits with the Queensland Department of Resources and Minister, respectively, not Council. 

The Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM, Mayor of Goondiwindi Regional Council, said, "We understand the importance of certainty for the Toobeah community on these matters. Securing the future of these sites for community infrastructure has been a focus of Council for some time now. Council is committed to achieving positive outcomes that guarantee residents' continued access and use of these facilities.”

“I would also encourage residents who want to source factual information about the Toobeah Reserve site and the Aboriginal freehold land application being considered by the Queensland government to visit Council’s website (,” said the Mayor.

24th May 2024 at 12:00 AM