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Announcement of Queensland Cross-Border Commissioner Role Welcomed by Council

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Goondiwindi Regional Council welcomes the Queensland Government's budget announcement today, which will see a Queensland Cross-Border Commissioner role introduced. This significant development promises to address long-standing cross-border issues that have affected our community.

Mayor of the Goondiwindi Regional Council, the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM, expressed his gratitude for this crucial initiative, highlighting the Council's extensive advocacy for the creation of such a position.

“For over a decade, Council have championed the need for a Cross-Border Commissioner to ensure equitable solutions for our border communities. We extend our thanks to the Queensland Government for recognising this need and acting upon it in this year's budget announcement,” Mayor Springborg stated.

“Communities within the Goondiwindi region, such as Goondiwindi and Texas, serve as key commercial and service hubs for a significant population from New South Wales. It places considerable pressure on Queensland only funded health, education, policing and community services. The introduction of the Cross-Border Commissioner role is a pivotal step towards facilitating better oversight and fostering negotiations that can alleviate these pressures.

“Our region is one of twelve Queensland councils sharing a border with another state. Our communities continuously navigate the complexities arising from conflicting jurisdictions on a myriad of issues,” Mayor Springborg noted.

“The border challenges we faced and continue to navigate include, but are not limited to, the management of COVID-19 border closures, disaster preparedness and recovery, the Murray Darling Basin Plan implementation, youth crime and policing, and the regulation of licences such as firearms and business licences.

Mayor Springborg emphasised the success of similar roles in New South Wales and Victoria, which have proven to be immensely beneficial in achieving positive outcomes for residents and businesses in border areas.

“We look forward to seeing the same level of success here in Queensland, improving the quality of life and economic conditions for our border communities,” he added.

Goondiwindi Regional Council remains committed to collaborating with the new Queensland Cross-Border Commissioner, when appointed, to address and resolve cross-border issues effectively. We are optimistic that this initiative will bring about substantial improvements in service delivery and resource management for our region.

11th June 2024 at 12:00 AM