Mayor's Update

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I have today called a special meeting under section 262 of the Local Government Act is to be called on Friday 21 July at 2.30pm to consider to amend or repeal the decision made by council on Wednesday July 12 relating to the Waste Tenders.

Council has received a query following the July 12 meeting relating to the inclusions and exclusion of some parts of the Landfill contract. The matter has been referred to council’s solicitors whose advice will be considered at the Special meeting.

Further, I was advised late last night by the independent consultant, that there may have been a misinterpretation on his part of the discounts applied to the kerbside collection in one or more of the alternative options. This anomaly may have had an impact on Council’s decision on the awarding of the tenders.

 I believe this means Council has not been afforded the opportunity to assess the situation with all of the relevant facts and circumstances at its disposal at the time it made its decision.

Obviously, this is a serious situation that requires appropriate consideration. I believe this is the appropriate way forward.

Council will not make any further comment about this matter until after Friday’s meeting.
Words 208

For further information, please contact:

Councillor Graeme Scheu
Goondiwindi Regional Council
Mobile: 0427 718 877


15th July 2017 at 12:00 AM