Waste Tenders Awarded

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13 July 2017


Council resolved at a Special Ordinary Meeting yesterday to award contracts for the collection of kerbside waste and the management of its Goondiwindi landfill.

Councils existing contracts expire on 31 December 2017 and had to be re-designed to include a kerbside recycling service and changes to the way that the landfill is managed to ensure greater compliance with Department of Environment and Heritage requirements to maintain Council’s Environmental Licence and preserve valuable space at the facility.

“The contract design and tender process has been very onerous and we are so fortunate to have Joel Harris from Resource Innovations to manage it for us,” Mayor Councillor Graeme Scheu said.

“We looked at recycling in 2010 when the community said that they did not want to commence a service, largely due to the costs,” Mayor Scheu said.  “That has changed now in that we need to have a service to do all we can to save space in our landfills as the cost of starting a new dump today is simply prohibitive.”

The contract for Kerbside Collections and Roadside bins was sought by three tenderers and was won by JJ Richards Pty Ltd, who currently service all neighbouring Queensland Councils.  The tender will see a kerbside recycling service commence in July 2018 following an extensive education and preparation program. This service is expected to extend the life of the existing landfill by at least 10 years.

The contract to manage the Goondiwindi Landfill was also won by JJ Richards Pty Ltd after submissions from five tenderers were considered.

In each case, the evaluation process was quite thorough and included a non-price scoring component of 55% including a 15% loading for contribution to the local economy.  The overall tender price was then weighted at 45%.

“In the end Council accepted the lowest price for each tender and also the best scoring tender representing the most advantageous proposal to Council even after including the local economy considerations,” Mayor Scheu said. 

“We look forward to working with JJ Richards to deliver great service to our communities”, Mayor Scheu said.

“I also want to thank the unsuccessful tenderers who participated in the process and provide the competition to enable Council to achieve good outcomes for the community.”  “Particularly the incumbent contractors who have provided good service to Council and Goondiwindi community.”

For further information, please contact:

Councillor Graeme Scheu
Goondiwindi Regional Council

Mobile: 0427 718 877
Email: GScheu@grc.qld.gov.au

13th July 2017 at 12:00 AM