Inglewood to Host Modifyre and National Hovercraft Titles

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22 June 2017


The second weekend in July will see Inglewood host a number of exciting events!

Out at Coolmunda Dam you can check out the NATIONAL Hovercraft championships.  With the dam at over 90% capacity, you can expect a spectacle from these unique water and land craft!

The National Hovercraft team have created a website including the program of events, so that visitors don’t miss out on anything.  There are at least 45 hovercraft machines in action over the weekend.  Make sure you go to for more information.

In addition, the Modifyre event have just confirmed State Government approval to proceed, and will be setting up just out of town in the Yelarbon State Forest from 5 - 10 July.  This annual event is hosted by BURN Arts, Inc -  a Brisbane-based non-profit promoting participatory arts and culture. The 6 day event is set to include large-scale art, theme camps, performances, workshops, and music. On Saturday evening (8 July), the local community are invited to join the festivities, as participants celebrate with a potluck dinner and bonfire.

The event is relocating to Inglewood in 2017 to allow for future growth, which is exciting for the region.  It is likely to attract several hundred people in its first year at Inglewood.  Visit the Modifyre website on

The Mayor of Goondiwindi Regional Council, Mr Graeme Scheu stated, “it is exciting that Inglewood is able to host these unique events, and I look forward to visiting Inglewood over the July weekend to see all the action first hand.”

For more information you can find event coordinator details on the respective websites.

22nd June 2017 at 12:00 AM