State Government Pensioner Rebate Subsidy Scheme

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15 June 2017


Approved Pensioners are advised that application forms are now available for the State Government’s Pensioner Rate Subsidy Scheme for the year ending 30 June 2018. 

Pensioners wishing to apply for the subsidy will be required to be holders of a current

  • Centrelink – ‘Pensioner Concession Card’ (Current Card) or
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs – ‘Pensioner Concession Card’ (Current Card), or
  • Department of Veterans Affairs – ‘PTEC Card’ (Gold)

Applicants must produce their relevant pensioner card/s at the time of lodging their application. 

Previous applicants are not required to resubmit an application.

Applications are to be received by Friday, 30 June 2017.

Further particulars can be obtained by contacting your local Customer Service Centre.

15th June 2017 at 12:00 AM