Inglewood Flood Marker Project

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03 May 2017

Inglewood Flood Marker Project

Council staff will be erecting a series of colour coded Flood Markers at high traffic locations throughout the town of Inglewood to highlight to the community the potential impact of different flood events.

Deputy Mayor / Local Disaster Management Group Chair, Councillor Rick Kearney, said “The Flood Marker Project was made possible due to the funding opportunity provided by the State Government’s 2016/17 RACQ ‘Get Ready’ Queensland Program.  Access to programs such as this provides invaluable support to Councils across the State.”

“We have developed a specific flood action guide for the town of Inglewood because of the short period of time that we have to respond to rainfall in the town catchment,” Councillor Kearney said. “The markers are an extension of the guide to ensure that the risks remain visible and to encourage people to stay prepared.”

Deputy Premier and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning Jackie Trad applauded the council for the project.

“The Inglewood Flood Marker Project is an important initiative by the Goondiwindi Regional Council to better protect the community,” Ms Trad said.

“The fact is, Queensland’s climate can be volatile and we must get ready, that is why the Palaszczuk Government partners with councils to deliver these important projects.”

As part of this project, a number of smaller flood markers will also been placed in the Inglewood CBD area to show known historic flood levels from the 1956 and 1976 flood events.

The Inglewood Flood Action Guide is available for viewing on Council’s website

The RACQ Get Ready Queensland program is supported by more than $2 million in state grants to local governments to educate and encourage community participation in disaster preparedness.

Do you have a WHAT-IF Plan?  Visit the RACQ Get Ready Queensland website for further information.

For further information, please contact:

Cr Rick Kearney
Deputy Mayor / LDMG Chair
Mobile: 0400 353 009

Flood markers

Picture: Public Information Sign - Inglewood Flood Marker Project

17th May 2017 at 12:00 AM