Pool Lease Offered to Applicant

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2 May 2017


Following extensive interviews and negotiations, the Goondiwindi Regional Council has offered the lease to operate the Goondiwindi Aquatic Centre to a local applicant, Amy Brennan.  Amy is well regarded in the Goondiwindi District for her own accomplishments in the field of swimming and has completed 10 years working under the instruction of retiring lessees Garry and Julie Shorter. 

Goondiwindi Mayor, Cr Graeme Scheu explained that the region was lucky to have had such a dedicated lessee providing stability to the operation for the past 10 years. “We thank Garry and Julie for their dedication to swimming in this region and in particular the “Learn to Swim” opportunity provided to the 16 schools within this town and surrounding region including some New South Wales schools”, Mayor Scheu said.  “Every year they have worked with these schools to provide 1600 young children with the skills to be safe and enjoy their time around water. “

Goondiwindi Regional Council reaffirms its commitment to providing an opportunity for every child to learn to swim which was the original purpose of installing the pool in 1962. 


During the lease process, Amy as the incoming lessee was made fully aware of the ongoing discussions that are happening in regards to the inevitable replacement of the main pool, however that is along way down the track. “I can confirm that no decisions had been made as to the site or what the pool and amenities may look like,” Mayor Graeme Scheu said today.

“The truth is this Council simply cannot afford to fund a full-blown “Bells and Whistle,” 50m or 25m pool without some funding from both Federal and State Government,” Mayor Scheu said.  “It is going to take some serious lobbying to gain that support,” he said. “Those discussions have commenced and I would envisage that once some answers are received, Council would come back to the community with a budget and see what the community requires with the money available for the project.”

For further information, please contact:

Councillor Graeme Scheu
Goondiwindi Regional Council

Mobile: 0427 718 877
Email: gscheu@grc.qld.gov.au

17th May 2017 at 12:00 AM